Home Exterior Garden

A mole or a mouse may look cute and cuddly in an animated film, however meeting them in your garden or your house is not so pleasant.

There can be a whole array of unwelcome guests in your house, farmhouse, barn and garden. Anyway, you can get rid of them in different ways, thus preventing many difficulties.


Mice, Rats And Moles

Rodents are probably the least welcome ones in your garden or in the surroundings of your property. They are often rats, which do not seek clean environment.

Rats transmit many diseases, but they are regarded to be very intelligent animals. Their resilience is striking as they can adapt even to the radioactive environment. They are resistant to many poisons and their teeth can gnaw even on reinforced concrete. To avoid rats and other rodents, the prevention is principal, i.e. keeping a place clean. Rats do not like cleanliness, so they would prefer to move to your neighbours´ where they can enjoy e.g. a dirty barn full of old hay. It is very hard to rid of rodents, and even though it does not seem too stylish, it is best to use traps to catch and kill them.


Dangerous Diseases

Rodents can also be driven away by cats or dogs. However, a cat may not be always able to oust a big rat out and after a match with rat, the cat can get infected by various diseases transmissible to humans. If there is a large amount of rodents, it is recommended to clean the environment up properly first including removing all remnants of grain or other food. If this does not work, call a specialized pest controlling firm.

Although it is popular with kids, a mole can wreak a real havoc. The small blind creature that feeds on insects in its tunnels is very unpopular among golfers as well as among gardeners who want to keep their lawn in the best condition achievable. Even one mole can wreak havoc, and the sooner you catch it, the less frightening its work will be.



Even the songbirds can be unpleasant visitors, if they feed on cherries or strawberries in your garden. Especially during the harvest season of fruits (cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants), every gardener can notice an increased number of birds on his or her property. The otherwise useful creatures fighting against insects upset gardeners not only by the damage they cause by improper harvesting, but also by their faeces. Anyway, you can defend against birds in an unethical manner, when you remove their nests from the trees (before hatching the chicks).

Starlings, blackbirds and other flying creatures can be intimidated by a stooge in the middle of a meadow or by a propeller made from pet bottle. Old CDs hanging on trees or near beds can be successfully used, too. The CDs frighten the birds with their glint, as birds see them as a predator attacking and take off immediately. Anyone who wants to fight insects should appreciate every swallow over his or her garden.


Martens And Weasels

The forest animals, who are increasingly migrating into cities in search of food, feed on just anything. Both weasels and martens cannot resist eggs that is why they find their favourite refuge is in gardens, where chickens are kept.

A polecat even does not refuse a chicken therefore it must be eliminated as soon as possible. For these pests, traps are used. They can also be put to sleep with a tranquilizer gun and then transferred to forest – although it is not recommended.


Useful Hedgehog

If you have hedgehogs in your garden, you have great helpers; a hedgehog is a menace to snakes, insects and small rodents. However, is not advisable to catch the cute animal with your hands, as it has fleas.


Common, run-of-the-mill furniture cannot be manufactured from bamboo or seagrass. The furniture made of these materials is mostly handmade, and even if not, every product is different from others, at least because of different look of the material.

You cannot see bamboo or teak furniture in European apartments and houses frequently. Europeans are conservative and continue to believe in their furniture made of beech, oak or spruce.


bamboo furniture


Unmatched Quality

The classical European furniture, which is currently popular, can hardly match the quality of bamboo furniture. This material is nearly indestructible and it can withstand far more than the traditional wood species. The bamboo scaffolding hundreds of meters high on Japanese or Chinese skyscrapers has its good purpose.

The price of bamboo is still relatively high, but given that bamboo is the fastest growing woody plant in the world, it certainly will not continue to be so in the future. Similar to Asian textiles which are flooding Europe, it is just a question of time when the market will become swamped by Asian furniture.


Bamboo Furniture Is Unexpectedly Resistant

You can buy chairs, tables, armchairs, shelves and even beds or cabinets made from bamboo. Split bamboo can be a great decoration in the form of screens or shades. Bamboo furniture is always treated with clear varnish, which creates a resistant surface. Customers can design the upholstery for their furniture themselves according to their wishes. In the event of unexpected floods, you can be certain that you will not have to throw the bamboo furniture away; you will just need to replace the upholstery, as moisture does no harm to the wood species. That is why you can use bamboo furniture in your garden, too.


bamboo furniture


Expensive But High Quality Furniture Made From Teak

If you decide to buy furniture made from teak, do not expect it to be produced run-of-the-mill. Teak is a rare wood with outstanding qualities. Its abnormal hardness, medium heavy weight, long durability, resistance to rot, mildew and termites are good reward for its relatively high price. Furniture companies like working with this kind wood since they produce goods that will acquire additional beauty with aging.


Teak Wood Is Elegant Both For Homes And For Offices

The cabinets or tables made from this kind of wood are very nice to the touch. Its golden brown colour with occasional black stripes adorns every office. You can have not only furniture made from teak, but shutters, window frames or a robust entrance door, as well. If you have enough means, it is also possible to have flooring made from teak. This costly investment is very likely to survive you without any problems.


teak furniture


Rattan Has Its Own Club

The furniture made from rattan is handmade, too. In Europe, this material is becoming much more popular then teak or bamboo. The rattan boom is the cause of formation of the Rattan Club and websites offering rattan goods. Unlike teak, rattan furniture is very lightweight, so it is suitable in homes, where elderly people live, who may otherwise have problems with moving a couch or an armchair. The weight of rattan products is half compared to the classic wooden furniture.


Rattan Furniture Maintenance

Rattan furniture can have various hues after staining. For cleaning, dusters, vacuum or damp cloth are recommended.


rattan furniture


Does your arbour or your pergola need repainting? Do not postpone the task and get on with it as soon as possible.

It is not pleasant when your shed falls into ruins slowly but surely. And a dilapidated shed full of clutter looks weird to your neighbours…

There is nothing like having a good quality garden construction on your property, which can survive winter as well as strong winds without problems. Additionally, these constructions protect materials, tools or garden chairs, which are waiting for warm days. Every garden construction deserves enough attention from its owner – the care is worth it in her long run.


Good Quality Roof

As with conventional buildings, a barn or a garden shed needs a good and high quality roof. In the moment you find out that rainwater is leaking inside, do not wait and check the roof as soon as possible. It is recommended to examine other places where water could be leaking into the construction, too. Even if the roof is ok, take care of painting it with good paint that will protect the roof against the weather.

Like the roof, the structure of the building is important, too. The individual parts of the structure should be well conserved to withstand invasions of insects, rodents as well as weather changes. If you find out that one of the supporting beams is damaged, it is better to replace now than to see your shed collapsed and tools damaged in winter.

The roof includes gutters and downspouts, as well. Each garden building should have the roof sloped to one side, where water should be drained to the ground. It is not good, if the building gets wet after each rain, neither if the roof is sloped to one point, from which water keeps flowing down to the foundations. The experienced homeowners solve this issue by standing a barrel to the edge of the roof to catch the water; they use it later for flowers and plants in the garden.


Coating Is A Must

Most garden buildings are made of wood (timber) with roofs of sheet metal or other roof covering. The walls made of boards must be conserved very well. This can be done by e.g. high quality paint or by old motor oil. The soaked timber survives weather fluctuations and you can be sure, that either mice or insects (including woodworms) do not like it. If the surroundings of the building are formed by a clay surface, it is far better to coat the lower parts of the building with several layers of paint.


Start From The Floor

The next important part of a garden construction is the floor. It should be made of concrete and the lower part of the structure should be recessed. This will reduce possibility of being washed away during a flood. Whenever you discover that part of the floor is broken, just knock the floor around it out with hammer and fill the hole with new concrete. Cracks in concrete can be sealed with silicone. If you do not do so, frost and moisture would tear the whole floor in winter.

Outdoor constructions, such as garden arbours or pergolas, need only regular painting. Do not save on a quality paint or varnish, as you can prevent bark beetles and other pests from destroying it.

Greenhouses (made either of glass or plastic foil) should be painted once a year. Broken windows or torn foil should be replaced to avoid unnecessary loss of light.

Once in a while, it is advisable to replace the wooden panelling, which is perishable easily due to moisture. Fungi and mould get from it down into the soil and they consume the quality nutrients meant for vegetables or flowers. If the soil is tired and exhausted, good fertilizing is necessary, and if it does not work, the whole soil must be replaced. On this occasion, it is recommended to do the overall repair or reconstruction of the greenhouse.

Although plastic can resist weather, it may not always look nice. Wood and metal acquire a patina during the time, so they need careful treatment. What kind of garden furniture should you choose then?

Many people keep their weekend cottages or they do the gardening. However in order the garden was a nice place to relax and meet friends, it is necessary to pay attention to the garden furniture.

After all, every garden needs some outdoor furniture, so that you could sit under a blossoming apple tree and read a book or even better, under a tree on which sweet smelling apples ripen.

However, there are differences among garden furniture.


Plastic, Iron Or Wood

When getting your garden furniture, you always have to consider, how often you are going to rest in your garden. You have to ask yourself, how often visitors come to you or whether a member of your family is not overweight. It sounds ridiculous, but many cases of injuries have been registered after bursting of plastic chairs. Believe it or not, fracture of coccyx, or even a leg of a plastic chair stuck in your body is nothing pleasant. This does not mean that plastic garden furniture does not have a use. It is very popular, but not in families where people are rather big.


Advantages Of Plastic Furniture

The advantage of plastic furniture is definitely their purchase price. Another plus is that there are several colours and manufacturers on the market, so the range is nearly endless. In case of damage of a piece, you can replace it with the same type easily, quickly and affordably. When your plastic garden furniture gets wet, you just wipe it with cloth. On a plastic table, scratches are not as visible as on wood. Additionally, plastic tables usually have a hole in the middle to insert a parasol. Seniors appreciate the weight of a set of plastic furniture, which is half compared to wood furniture.


Metal Or Plastic?

The disadvantages of plastic furniture include a low pressure resistance. Or have you ever tried to swing on a plastic chair? Another disadvantage is that plastic furniture can often be knocked over by strong wind or taken away by heavy rains.

Iron garden furniture is really rare nowadays. It requires regular maintenance and the cost is quite high. It will not be taken away by wind, but rather by burglars. The downside is that it accepts the ambient temperature, and it is nothing pleasant to sit either on a cold chair in cold weather, or on hot iron in summer.

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Wooden Furniture Is The Best

Wood furniture is clearly the most suitable for garden use. Its price is somewhere in the middle and depends on the type of the wood. The best quality garden furniture is made of teak wood. It became  a leader in world rankings and it won favour of private sector as well as public facilities (hotels, boarding houses), because it can handle extreme load. Although prices of teak furniture are higher than those of other high quality outdoor furniture, the owner will save on their maintenance later; both pests and mould avoid the solid and hard wood. It is almost unreal to break a teak chair. The teak furniture is resistant to bright sun, rain and snow and its maintenance is easy.

Do you know what have the beautiful early 20th century villas and modern houses designed according to current architectural trends in common? It is the timeless forged fence, which can make a residence even from a drab building. A forged fence does not age, it remains beautiful for generations, and is completely maintenance free.

The cost of living in a family house is high, that is why it would be a mistake to ignore the fundamental issue of good fencing. A wrongly chosen fence can visually degrade the resources you have invested in the housing. The forged fences are a safe bet already for centuries. This type of fence is incredibly timeless, it retains its grandeur at any time and with it, you can easily achieve a dignified, airy and beautiful border of your property.


Enjoy The Best

As in other situations, you can choose right or wrong. There are plenty of manufacturers on the market who focus on forged fences. Some guidance may be provided by customer satisfaction, long-term reference or by selection of a manufacturer. It is important for the manufacturer to put emphasis on the traditional craftsmanship and to entrust the production to the hands of experienced blacksmiths and locksmiths. The customer must be always in the first place and there should be an expert available to the customer to give him or her advice.


Do Not Skimp On Quality, It Is Not Worth It

While some manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost and therefore they use substitute materials, such as hollow bars or very narrow profile bars, a good fence must be made of high-quality steel material and full profile bars (14×14 mm). Along with multiple finishing, it ensures to the customer that the fence will serve its purpose without maintenance and for several generations.

Anticorrosive treatment is the next very important characteristic, as the overall durability of the fence depends on it. Galvanizing is a proven method, when zinc forms a solid and impermeable layer on the surface of metal. When galvanizing, the most frequently used temperature range is 440-460 °C. Thanks to it, the fences have a maintenance-free service life for 60 years.


Do you know The Current Trends?

There is a wide portfolio with a wide range of themes and designs. A designer can create a suitable combination of the two exactly according to your requirements and to the appearance of your house. Moreover, you can have a fence made according to your design.

The selection of the theme and design is important for the life of the forged fence, as well. And as it lasts for several decades, the fence will serve several generations.

When choosing a fence for your property, you usually do not think only about a motif and design, but you also need to consider an appropriate system for your entrance gate. It is necessary to realize that this is the most commonly used mechanism in the house, thus its selection requires the best option possible.

Or have the owners not thought about the selection of tiles much and they laid casually the first option they saw? This all betrays the very first glance when you come to a house.

A correctly or incorrectly chosen paving around the house tells much more about its owners than it may seem. Is it a person with a practical disposition or rather with a cultivated taste and aesthetic sensibility?

Choosing and laying outdoor paving is one of the last activities, you deal with during a construction or renovation of a house. You can take advantage of the fact and choose the tiles not only by their functional properties, but also in terms of aesthetics. A paving which is harmonized with the house and its surroundings will be the topping, which gives a coherent character to the whole object.


Types Of Outdoor Paving

You can choose from a wide variety of materials, shapes and colours. Depending on the type of material used, you can divide external paving into concrete pavers, stone pavers, brick tiles, ceramic glazed or unglazed tiles, and wood tiles.


Concrete Pavers

One of the most common and most popular concrete paver types is the lock tiles. Its price is very favourable, compared to other materials. However, you should also consider its aesthetic appeal, so that you did not make your private terrace look like a sidewalk or even a square. However, if the lock tiles are suitable into the compound, you are going to be very satisfied with its utility properties. This outdoor paving is resistant and durable. Because of its high resistance to stress and impact, you can use the interlocking tiles even in the most stressed spaces, such as driveways, entrances to garages and houses. The lock tiles are frost resistant, water-resistant and weatherproof.


Stone Pavers

The stone pavers are elegant and they offer an easy combination with other materials. Due to their appearance, they are suitable for any location. Stone is one of the oldest building materials and if you bet on it, you cannot go wrong. It is a timeless material that never goes out of fashion and always retains its originality and uniqueness.


Wooden Tiles

Wood is another purely natural material. Wooden paving is very impressive. It has a unique, natural look and it fit to almost any style. The timber, it will be made of, must be thoroughly oiled first. You can get a variety of harmless substances for oiling (impregnation) on the market today. Even though, you have to reckon that the tiles will need replacing after several decades.


Choosing The Type Of Paving

Different requirements must be places on a paving in a garden, where the practical applicability is the most important function, and different requirements on a paving on a terrace in front of a house, where particular attention is paid to colour-matching with the house and to an aesthetic and comfortable surface. As to the paving on a ramp to a garage, it must be additionally very resistant to the high stress of a parked car. You must ensure better distribution of weight on smaller building elements with corresponding profiles.


Safety First

In the case of outdoor paving, special attention should be paid to the principle of safety, above all.  The tiles or pavers should be slip and slide resistant.


Slip Resistance

The slip resistance ensures a comfortable and secure movement. The level of slip resistance is determined by manufacturer according to the norm EN 14 411 and the special anti-slip tiles are meant for premises with increased danger of slipping. For the outdoor use, you should choose tiles with the minimum value of R9. You can find this value on the package under the symbol of a shoe on a sloping surface. However, keep in mind that the anti-slip nature of the product puts increased demands on cleaning of the surface. In addition, if they are ceramic tiles, you also need to notice the abrasion resistance and frost resistance.


Abrasion Resistance

Abrasion resistance against wear (by walking) and scratching (by sand or stones) is given by a norm. You can compare it on a scale from PEI 1 to PEI 5, the value of 5 means the most durable tiles. The PEI value indicates the resistance of the material, which is tested using a metal ring rotating on the tile surface. The PEI value determines how many revolutions of the ring the material can withstand without showing signs of damage. The highest value of PEI 5, for example, means that the material can withstand 12.000 revolutions.


Frost Resistance

For the outdoor use, it is crucial to use frost resistant ceramic tiles only. The frost resistance is related to the water absorption. Frost-resistant tiles have the water absorption of 3 percent and the sintered paving even less than 0.5 percent. The frost resistance is marked on the package with the symbol of a snowflake.

A Swimming Pool, A Hot Tub (Jacuzzi) Or A Wooden Cask

The sun rays are hot since the morning and blue water shimmers in the garden. There is hardly a better way of relaxation that having a bath in the comfort of your home. However, not everyone has enough space in the garden to have a swimming pool. So how about a hot tub (Jacuzzi) or a Scandinavian bath cask?

The most common “water facilities” in the gardens are swimming pools undoubtedly, however hot tubs or spas are gaining in popularity, too. A little unconventional, but a very original innovation is the bathing wooden cask.


What Kind Of Pool Do You Want?

The least expensive types of embedded pools include the prefabricated galvanized, plastic or fibreglass pools. They are produced in standard sizes and shapes. Their installation is quick and easy, their lives are however shorter. If you want to build a swimming pool entirely according to your plans, you probably choose a pool with the reinforced concrete foundation, line it with tiles and coat it with special finish or with a special foil.


The Size Depends On Usage

For families with children, a pool of size 6x3m is perfect. If you want to use the pool more for swimming, the length of 4.5m and with a counter flow will be sufficient. The depth should be 1.4m at least.



You place the swimming placed on the south or southwest side, preferably near the house. Ideally, the pool should follow the terrace, so that you get the access from the comfort of your home directly into the water.


Water Clean And Healthy

To maintain the pool water clean, it is necessary to add the pool chemicals. If you want to go more ecological, the market offers an interesting solution: the salt water chlorination. The water is adjusted by means of special electrodes so that it is slightly salty. Although it is below the values ​​of sea water (3.55 percent), it can even with 0.5 percent have a positive influence on human health. It has an antiseptic effect, which is especially useful for people with skin problems. And the low salt concentration does not cause burning eyes.


Outdoor Spas And Hot Tub (Jacuzzi)

If you do not want to build a swimming pool, but still wish to indulge in an outdoor bath occasionally, a hot tub (Jacuzzi) or a spa massage will be perfect for you. Unlike the pool, its installation is easy, inexpensive and you do not need a building permit. These objects are mostly placed in the vicinity of the house, but you can also choose a place anywhere in the garden. In addition to the ease of access, the views are important – they should be pleasant for the bather in all seasons. The advantage of the outdoor spa is the possibility of heating the water up to 39 °C, thus providing the opportunity to bath even in winter. It can be used for relaxation, hydrotherapy as well as aromatherapy (after adding of aromatic essences). The massage jets have a beneficial effect on tired muscles, relieving joint pain and rheumatism.


Easy Relocation

These systems are mobile, so you can move them freely, they can even be placed in interior. In the case you want to have the pool at one specific location, it can also be embedded into the ground. Special thermo-covers are used to prevent the water from polluting and getting cold.


Anatomical Shaping

The acrylic tubs are available in various shapes, the square or rectangular are the most often, but there are oval or triangular shapes also available.

The smallest hot tubs are made for two people, but you can get one for six people, too. Various seats are moulded in the hot tubs inner portions. According to the current position of your body, the jets will massage the chosen part of your body.


Swim Spa

A swim spa is a practical combination of a pool and a spa. A user is deprived neither of the massage jets and hot water, nor of the possibility to swim, owing to the water counter flow. You can use it all year round and the water can be heated up to the comfortable 38 °C.


A Bath In A Wooden Cask

Bathing in a wooden cask is very popular in the Scandinavian countries. It is a wooden cask, usually made of spruce wood. Water is heated by a wood stove, which is placed inside the cask. The newest models have the inner cask portion filled with stainless steel, which improves the hygiene and extends the life of the bath cask.

Do you prefer a gas grill, an electric grill, or lava stones? Anyway, grilling of foods is firmly connected with the summer time.

The friendly gatherings with food preparation on direct fire or on a garden grill can be called a way of relaxation or even a lifestyle. Barbecues and grilling are simply trendy nowadays.

People have always done roasting, grilling and some kind of barbecues – it used to be the only way to satisfy their hunger in the wild, while today for the people saturated with civilization, it is fun and relaxation. The scent of grilled meat with smoke flavour creates a romantic sense, as well as a certain belief in human community.


You Can Grill In Many Ways

Manufacturers offer a variety of radiant grills, which prepare meat by the direct effects of thermal radiation from charcoal, briquettes or lava stones. There are also electric heating coils or gas burners. The contact grills are also available – you put the meat on the hot metal or ceramic plate and roast it on both sides simultaneously, or you can turn it. They are especially suitable for grilling of thin slices of meat, steaks, fish and skewers, as well as for preparing a variety of sandwiches and vegetable dishes. According to the opinion of the fans of grilling, the modernization and multifunction has deprived the users of the specific atmosphere and the food of the characteristic smoky flavour.


The Tradition Is Decisive

The fans of grilling recommend portable tourist or garden grills using charcoal, so that the barbecue kept the right atmosphere and the grilled food had the right flavour. Although these grills require more experience, the result is incomparable – despite the fact that there may occur some unhealthy scorching or even burning of your roast.

The boiler grills with a metal lid, where the combustion can be controlled so that the roast was a little “healthier”, are relatively more expensive and somewhat more sophisticated. You can spread the fire to the sides of the grate, the fat drips into a bowl below the centre of the grid and there are no carcinogenic fumes.


Praise The Lava Stones

In this case, you place the food on an enamel or chrome grill and the radiant heat works by reflecting the infrared heat from the walls of the boiler and from the surface of the red-hot lava stones or briquettes. The advantages are the even the distribution of heat on the whole surface of the grates and also the fact that the dripping fat does not burn in the flames, but it is absorbed by the lava bed or it drips into a container.

Grilled vegetables

The Gas Grills

According to the nutritionists, the gas grills allow the cleanest and healthiest way of both direct and indirect grilling. The grilling or roasting can begin only a few minutes after opening the gas supply. The grid is heated evenly by the tubular gas burners with piezo ignition covered by the metal elements called the aroma-grids/flavorizers. A part of the fat evaporates on the red hot surface, so the food does not lose the desired smoky aroma.


The Electric Grills

They offer comfort, cleanliness and easy power control. In the garden design, they usually have a tub with grilling grate, below which heating resistance elements and a container for dripping fat are placed. In the design for the household use, they are single or multifunction contact grills with non-stick hot plates. You can use them directly on your dining table in the kitchen, in a patio, in a balcony or in a garden gazebo. There are also electric grills with infrared heaters designed for special types of grilling and roasting.

Many people are looking for a shade in hot summer days to relax and refresh, to read a book or to enjoy a nice evening with their friends.

Of course, there are various solutions available in the building and garden stores in the form of umbrellas or canopies, but these solutions are not complex, not to mention the quality of the overall design and materials.

The garden terrace of your house is an outdoor living space and that is why it needs the right solution in a form of a pergola.

A pergola solves the complex shielding and roofing of the terrace and protects it against the direct sunlight or rain in a form of a lamella roof or a fabric canopy.


As to pergolas, an important factor on the exposed locations, which are not protected by a building, is the protection of the side area from the rain, wind and the low evening sun (that neither an umbrella, nor an awning can offer). The protection is implemented by roller shutters made of a screen fabric or a PVC foil. However, you have to take into account that pergolas do not serve as a protection against snow. In winter, it is necessary to let the shielding retracted or opened. The coating of the structure, the mechanical parts and the fabrics used for the shielding are made with respect to the outdoor use and they can withstand even the aggressive salty seaside environment.


A Quality Construction Of A Pergola

The structure of a quality pergola is made of extruded aluminium profiles or of impregnated Scandinavian pine. A pergola like this is not a temporary solution, but it becomes a part of your house and it creates an outdoor living space that will serve for many years as well as for the next generations.

The pergolas can have various types of structure; they can be stand-alone self-supporting structures on four pillars, or they can be installed adjacent to a wall (they use the props of the wall and the two pillars). The structure may be square, but it can also have a sloping roof or a sloping front. The structure is equipped with an integrated system for collecting and draining of rainwater. The base of the construction can essentially be in many colours and additionally, it can be painted in any colour of the RAL swatch according to the customer´s wish.


A Wide Range Of Accessories

A pergola can be equipped with a variety of accessories, such as the LED lighting, using LED strips or blocks in the supporting pillars which can change colour according to the RGB palette. The interior space can be equipped with the infra-heating, which can significantly extend your stay outside in cool summer evenings and in the autumn months.

The shielding control can be manual (depending on the model), but it is always recommended to use a motor drive in combination with a remote control, which gives you the right comfort and extends the life of the whole system. All electrical parts of the pergolas can also be operated by smart systems, e.g. by means of your tablet or your smartphone. There is also a wide range of outdoor furniture for the inner space of the pergola.


The Storage Space Is Important

When arranging your workshop, the main thing to focus on is enough of storage space, of course. It includes the lockers, as well as the racks. You use the second to store the materials needed to produce a specific product, but you can also store your tools, equipment or other accessories in them. However, the rack systems do not necessarily find their use only in your workshop, as they come in handy in your garage, too. If you want to make the most of the space available, be certain not to underestimate the choice of racks. If they can delight you in anything, it is certainly their quality and load bearing capacity.


Do Not Forget Plenty Of Light

The whole workshop and your work area above all should be well lit, because the quality of light is directly connected to the quality of the work done. A temporary bulb is no longer the right option – using the industrial LED lighting is much more efficient. There are several reasons for them which include in particular: a quality white light, a very low power consumption, wide choice and a long life.


Nor Forget The Work And Protective Equipment

When you have the basic workshop equipment in its place, you should think about yourself, too. Good work shoes and gloves are basic, as well as an overall sophisticated work wear. There is a wide choice of work wear and protective equipment that can protect you against all possible injuries. Additionally, you do not need to wear the work clothes in your workshop only, as it is also suitable for your garden, or for implementing other works around your house or its surroundings.
