Home Exterior Swimming Pool

For Perfect Water In Your Swimming Pool

Keeping water in your swimming pool in a perfect condition is extremely important, especially if the pool is used by kids. If you have a swimming pool in your garden, it is necessary to get reliable pool chemicals.


What Products Should You Choose From?

In the area of ​​swimming pool chemicals, you can choose from several categories. For example, the chemicals based on active chlorine are very effective for water sanitation, and you can even choose from different products and purification tablets. However, this option is not suitable for kids or people sensitive to the increased chlorine content.  Fortunately, there are also chlorine free chemicals which contain active oxygen and they are very effective, too.

Further, there is also the combined chemistry available. In this area you will find many effective products which guarantee a good quality of water in your swimming pool. For example, the disinfectant tablets do not only sanitize water, but also cause flaking of dirt in cloudy water and killing the algae. So as you can see, there is currently a wide range of very effective products of pool chemistry available which allow you to swim in your swimming pool without health risks.


The Agents For Regulation Of The Water pH And Water Hardness

The pH of water in a pool should be between 6.8 and 7.4 (max. 7.6). You should monitor the value by pH testers, as if it is out of this range, the water is too acidic, or vice versa, too alkaline. Potential solutions include the agents for increasing or decreasing the water pH. And naturally, it is appropriate to use water hardness stabilizers, too; you will not have problems with sediments and turbidity then.


In summer, the owners of swimming pools are excited about the chance of jumping into the crystal clear water and having a swim every day. However, it is necessary to do some work to have good quality water for a good aquatic relaxation.

First of all, it is important to acquire a high quality filtration and to carry out thorough vacuuming of any debris on the bottom and the walls of the pool. Neither you may neglect the chemical maintenance which must be performed throughout the whole swimming season. Otherwise, you could have a green marsh instead of pure water in your swimming pool!

The water must be treated periodically by the swimming pool chemicals. Branded products are hygienically and medically tested, so they are effective as well as harmless. You should avoid unknown or unauthorized products that appear in some stores, and never trust any “guaranteed” home-made products! They can cause skin allergies, irritation of mucous membranes or even permanent health problems.


What Should You Use To Treat A Pool Properly And Safely?

  • check the water pH by a drop tester (the correct value is 7.2 pH) once a week
  • regulate any deviations from the recommended value by using the products which have names containing “pH-plus” or “pH- minus”
  • the regular care of a swimming pool water is performed by chlorine tablets, which dissolve gradually; the chlorine content in water should be 0.3 – 1 mg/l
  • add a shock agent into the water regularly; it destroys any germs and bacteria
  • water needs to be filtered several times a day


What If The Water Is Cloudy?

This problem occurs after winter, as well as during summer. A brightening agent can be a solution, or you can filter until the water is clear again.


What If The Water Turned Green?

This happens when you neglect the regular and preventive care. An appropriate remedy is the combination of shock chlorination and an anti-algae agent. However, if the water is too green, use a flocculant – an agent, which precipitates the algae and dirt and they fall down to the bottom of the pool. Then you simply remove them with a special vacuum.


What If No Chemistry Works?

Chemical products may fail especially if a pool has a poor filtration. In this case, it is necessary to drain the water, clean the swimming pool and then re-fill it. And this is problematic especially for pools with a foil instead of ceramic tiles. The water pressure helps to keep the foil taut, so this could cause its detachment or even a mechanical damage.


Table Salt Can Be A Substitute For Chemistry

The regular table salt (NaCl) can be helpful, too – simply salt the pool well. A simple apparatus for electrolysis of salt can completely replace the use of chlorine. And moreover, you get rid of the unpleasant chlorine odour, you protect your eyes and your mucous membranes from irritation and allergic reactions. Furthermore, the water treated in this manner has antiseptic properties.


The Covering Is Protective

The covering of the pool is important, too. While the pool is in operation, the water surface has to be protected against the dirt from the air and from the surroundings. The combination of a summer and winter tarp can retain heat, as well as prevent the propagation of algae. Automatic rolling shutters are the more expensive option. You simply turn a key ones and the shutter spreads over the entire water surface, thus preventing the contamination and spoilage of the swimming pool water.


A Swimming Pool, A Hot Tub (Jacuzzi) Or A Wooden Cask

The sun rays are hot since the morning and blue water shimmers in the garden. There is hardly a better way of relaxation that having a bath in the comfort of your home. However, not everyone has enough space in the garden to have a swimming pool. So how about a hot tub (Jacuzzi) or a Scandinavian bath cask?

The most common “water facilities” in the gardens are swimming pools undoubtedly, however hot tubs or spas are gaining in popularity, too. A little unconventional, but a very original innovation is the bathing wooden cask.


What Kind Of Pool Do You Want?

The least expensive types of embedded pools include the prefabricated galvanized, plastic or fibreglass pools. They are produced in standard sizes and shapes. Their installation is quick and easy, their lives are however shorter. If you want to build a swimming pool entirely according to your plans, you probably choose a pool with the reinforced concrete foundation, line it with tiles and coat it with special finish or with a special foil.


The Size Depends On Usage

For families with children, a pool of size 6x3m is perfect. If you want to use the pool more for swimming, the length of 4.5m and with a counter flow will be sufficient. The depth should be 1.4m at least.



You place the swimming placed on the south or southwest side, preferably near the house. Ideally, the pool should follow the terrace, so that you get the access from the comfort of your home directly into the water.


Water Clean And Healthy

To maintain the pool water clean, it is necessary to add the pool chemicals. If you want to go more ecological, the market offers an interesting solution: the salt water chlorination. The water is adjusted by means of special electrodes so that it is slightly salty. Although it is below the values ​​of sea water (3.55 percent), it can even with 0.5 percent have a positive influence on human health. It has an antiseptic effect, which is especially useful for people with skin problems. And the low salt concentration does not cause burning eyes.


Outdoor Spas And Hot Tub (Jacuzzi)

If you do not want to build a swimming pool, but still wish to indulge in an outdoor bath occasionally, a hot tub (Jacuzzi) or a spa massage will be perfect for you. Unlike the pool, its installation is easy, inexpensive and you do not need a building permit. These objects are mostly placed in the vicinity of the house, but you can also choose a place anywhere in the garden. In addition to the ease of access, the views are important – they should be pleasant for the bather in all seasons. The advantage of the outdoor spa is the possibility of heating the water up to 39 °C, thus providing the opportunity to bath even in winter. It can be used for relaxation, hydrotherapy as well as aromatherapy (after adding of aromatic essences). The massage jets have a beneficial effect on tired muscles, relieving joint pain and rheumatism.


Easy Relocation

These systems are mobile, so you can move them freely, they can even be placed in interior. In the case you want to have the pool at one specific location, it can also be embedded into the ground. Special thermo-covers are used to prevent the water from polluting and getting cold.


Anatomical Shaping

The acrylic tubs are available in various shapes, the square or rectangular are the most often, but there are oval or triangular shapes also available.

The smallest hot tubs are made for two people, but you can get one for six people, too. Various seats are moulded in the hot tubs inner portions. According to the current position of your body, the jets will massage the chosen part of your body.


Swim Spa

A swim spa is a practical combination of a pool and a spa. A user is deprived neither of the massage jets and hot water, nor of the possibility to swim, owing to the water counter flow. You can use it all year round and the water can be heated up to the comfortable 38 °C.


A Bath In A Wooden Cask

Bathing in a wooden cask is very popular in the Scandinavian countries. It is a wooden cask, usually made of spruce wood. Water is heated by a wood stove, which is placed inside the cask. The newest models have the inner cask portion filled with stainless steel, which improves the hygiene and extends the life of the bath cask.