Home Interior Bedroom The Bunk Beds Are Great Space-Savers

The Bunk Beds Are Great Space-Savers

The bunk beds are not only a great option for small bedrooms in which the classic beds would occupy most of their area. The high structure of the bunk beds also breaks the traditional layout of the interior and gives flair to the entire room.

The bunk beds can be found in the interior design already for many years because of their effectiveness.  The high positioned bunk beds can utilize the same floor area twice so much.


“The bunk beds with tiers are space-savers of their nature. The beds themselves are compact and they are usually the most space occupying furniture in children’s rooms as well as in bedrooms. Their upwards structure gives you more free area, which you can use for everyday activities in the room,” an architect says.

The high bunk beds are nowadays often used in bedrooms for adults too, where the saved area is used e.g. for a desk or a couch, thus creating a practical living space.


However, this kind of furniture does not fit in every apartment. In this respect, the ceiling height is determining. This kind of solution is the best at the ceiling height of about 3.5 meters, so the bed could be placed high enough and you could move under it comfortably.

“If you do not have a ceiling of this height, do not despair. The space under the beds can be used for cabinets, an open closet or even for an open work area,” a designer says.


Sleeping In The Upper Tier

The bunk beds are usually placed in children’s rooms so that the children had enough space for playing,. In most cases, the kids argue about who is going to sleep in the upper tier. From the emotional point of view, the kid in the upper bunk feels better because he or she does not have so much open space above them.